I Don't Like You
Any More
Much like the title
suggests, the song “I Don’t Like You Anymore” tells
the story of a guy who does not like the girl that
he is dating in the same way that he once did. He
has already fallen for her once, yet he somehow also
falls for her once again. All he has realized after
this second time around is that he feels the same
way about her that he did the first time. She has
tried to convince him that she has finally changed
for the better this time, but can he finally see
through her façade. The speaker explains that his
girlfriend is nowhere near the perfect girl that she
has claimed to be and that she is actually falling
right back into the person that she was in the first
relationship. He decides that he won’t let her do
this to herself and their relationship, but at this
point he finds himself becoming annoyed with her
very easily. What he once found attractive about her
he now finds to be absolutely repulsive. She has
trapped him in a labyrinth. He cannot find a way out
because he has been there far too long. The speaker
finally decides that he is completely finished with
their relationship and that he will never again let
her into his heart. He has once and for all lost
interest in her for good.
“I Don’t Like You Anymore” is the one song off of
“The Age of the Understatement” that sounds the
least like the others. It is one of the only two
songs off the album that contains sections where the
guitar is not played in chords. Instead, the guitar
is slowly played one string at a time. The first
verse is sung with only the guitar strings and
another small sound being played in the background.
When the chorus comes in, the song immediately
switches to a very fast tempo with drums, bass, and
guitar chords. The song ends with the strings of an
electric guitar being scratched by a pick.