Separate And
Ever Deadly
“Separate And Ever
Deadly” follows the same theme as the rest of the
songs in the album; each song has to do with a
relationship, whether it has gone wrong in some way
or another, or some outside force is attempting to
interfere with a good thing. In this case, the theme
follows the first example. He tells of the way life
was when he was in a relationship. He says
everything was better and the world around him was
far more appealing. Now that they are no longer
together, the city has nothing to give to him, and
he is easily annoyed by every single person that he
passes on the street. His emotions have been caused
by someone else recently coming into the picture,
slowly tearing their relationship apart. He knows
that the end will soon follow, but he continues to
hold on to anything and everything that he has left
until she finally leaves him for the other guy.
After she leaves him, they continue to have
conversations with each other. He doesn’t want her
to talk about how well her new relationship is
going, but she doesn’t have to say anything because
he can already tell. And although this new man has
not directly done anything to him, he has ruined his
relationship by getting in the way.
The song begins with one of the duo’s voices. Less
than a half of a second later, the music starts up,
and a guitar chord is strummed. Likewise, similar
sounding guitar chords are strummed intermittently
throughout the whole song. At slightly under half
way through the song, all sounds stop completely.
Nothing but silence is heard for one or two seconds.
At first listen, it is almost as if a new song
starts when the music kicks back in with the next
verse. Each instrument picks up speed during the
last verse, but then returns to normal at the start
of the last repetition of the chorus.